Officials Association Leaders,
The GAOA is pleased to announce initiatives that our Board of Directors has adopted.
Initiatives follow:
GAOA’s Board voted to establish GAOA’s initial Board as GAOA’s Executive Board, and to incorporate its Seven Area Organizational Committee members (See Attachments) into GAOA’s Board.
Executive Committee appointed Hayes Cook to fill the Board position vacated by Spencer Smith.
Executive Board agreed to establish a Communications / Marketing Committee; a Compensation Committee; a Recruitment and Retention Committee; a Survey Development Committee, and other committees as needed, and
Replace the membership card’s revenue by developing other streams of revenue - seeking to achieve commercial and government sponsorship.
Establishment of GAOA’s new Executive Committee and its expanded Board of Directors should enable GAOA to improve its representation of officials. Additionally, this should also enhance GAOA’s communications, feedback gathering, and messaging initiatives.
This improved representation will help GAOA amplify its officials' voices with timely, credible, and meaningful feedback.
The Executive Committee members are Alan Smith, Executive Director/President, Chuck Tidwell, Vice President, Larry Sorrells, Vice President, Jack Henderson, Vice President, Jill Poole, Vice President, and Hayes Cook, Vice President.
The Board of Directors will be made up of the Seven Area Organizational Committee members, which totals 14 members: two members each from the seven designated areas when confirmed by the Executive Committee in June 2019.
Because of these initiatives, we look forward to an even more productive GAOA.
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Thanks for your time, support, and best always,
W. Alan Smith
GAOA Executive Director